Don’t fall for the Corporate Con!

Vote No on Measure CC in November 2024.

We Say Vote NO on CC

We Say Vote NO on CC

Vote NO on the Corporate Con

We Say Vote NO on CC • We Say Vote NO on CC • Vote NO on the Corporate Con •


Leah Simon-Weisberg, Chair of Elected Rent Board

Jesse Arreguin, Mayor of Berkeley

Sophie Hahn, Berkeley City Councilmember and Candidate for Mayor

Kate Harrison, Prior Councilmember and Candidate for Mayor

Ana Vasudeo, President of Berkeley School Board

Chris Schildt, Chair of Berkeley Housing Authority

Ben Bartlett, Berkeley City Councilmember

Jovanka Beckles, AC Transit Director

Jeffrey Carter, One of the original drafters of the Berkeley Rent Ordinance

Andy Katz, East Bay Municipal Utility District Director

Cecilia Lunaparra, Berkeley City Councilmember

Igor Tregub, Berkeley City Councilmember

Measure CC – Stop the Corporate Con:

  • Allows large rent increases.

  • Rolls back protections for tenants living in unsafe conditions.

  • Bars the Rent Board for suing landlords who violate the law.

  • Bankrolled by two corporate companies, Milestone Properties and Flynn Clement Properties and the National Association of Realtors.

Measure BB — for a Better Berkeley:

  • Expands tenant protections.

  • Reduces rent Increases

  • Right to form a Tenant Association

  • Supported by numerous elected officials and local tenant advocates such as Alameda Labor Council, UAW-UC, Berkeley Tenant Union, SEIU 1021, East Bay Tenants Union, and Tenants Together.


Leah Simon-Weisberg

Chair of the Berkeley Rent Board

“ We love Berkeley because of the rich history of fighting for justice. A NO vote on Measure CC is an important statement against the corporate take over our housing sector. The attorney general of the United States as well has California recently filed an anti-trust lawsuit accusing many of the corporate landlords who own properties in the Bay Area of price fixing. These same parties are trying to gut a the Berkeley rent board —a cherished institution shows the contempt they have for the average working family in Berkeley.”

Soli Alpert

Vice-Chair of the Berkeley Rent Board

“Only one measure, the Berkeley Tenant Protection and Right to Organize Act, will bring our rent control ordinance up to 21st century standards and keep tenants in their homes. By contrast, the opposing corporate measure will weaken the Rent Board's ability to protect tenants and strip tenants of protections they currently have.”

Iris Rosenblum-Sellers

Student Worker Head Steward of UAW 4811

“Working people and tenants are able to improve our working and living conditions when we come together and fight. Just like last year’s victory for Academic Workers, tenants are coming together to win the ability to bargain for lower rent and better living conditions. The landlords, like the bosses, are scared and trying to undermine our efforts, but we won't let them stop tenants like us from organizing for a better future.”


Leah Simon-Weisberg

Chair of the Berkeley Rent Board

“I am confident that Berkeley voters will see through the corporate landlords' strategy of chaos. Time and again, corporate money flows into Berkeley elections, only to be defeated by community organizing and the grassroots. The misinformation of these corporate landlords highlights the critical role of rent boards and tenant protections in keeping tenants in their homes.”

Soli Alpert

Vice-Chair of the Berkeley Rent Board

“Only one measure, the Berkeley Tenant Protection and Right to Organize Act, will bring our rent control ordinance up to 21st century standards and keep tenants in their homes. By contrast, the opposing corporate measure will weaken the Rent Board's ability to protect tenants and strip tenants of protections they currently have.”

Iris Rosenblum-Sellers

Student Worker Head Steward of UAW 4811

“Working people and tenants are able to improve our working and living conditions when we come together and fight. Just like last year’s victory for Academic Workers, tenants are coming together to win the ability to bargain for lower rent and better living conditions. The landlords, like the bosses, are scared and trying to undermine our efforts, but we won't let them stop tenants like us from organizing for a better future.”